
Silkroad skill calculator
Silkroad skill calculator

silkroad skill calculator

Fastest taxi is on lvl 33/34 mobs called ong, located south from Samarkand. It means you make exp share party with some high level character, which kill mobs and you getting exp. But i strongly dont recomand anyone do this in these days.įastest power level in silkroad is with taxi. Fortunetly new players dont have to go across this hell:) It was simply leveling with GAP9, usualy players did it on levels where they could get SOS weapon, so it was faster.


For example good lvl100 full farmed characters need aroun 1.5mil SP.ģ.

silkroad skill calculator

Simply if you want good character you need many of skills, on low level you have enought SP for almost everything, but on higher lvl it is kinda hard to get all important skills.

silkroad skill calculator

As you can see it is not easy, because 10% exp means u will get 10x less exp with gap 9. In GAP 9 is situation like this: you get 10% exp and 190% sp. Every higher gap you get 10% more sp and 10% less exp. While you have GAP 0 you get 100% sp and 100% exp. With 0 GAP u will get most Exp and lowest SP and oposite, with 9 GAP you will get highest amount of SP and lowest amount of Exp. Highest GAP is 9, sure you can have higher diference but silkroad will count it as 9 FOr example if you are lvl50 and your highest mastery is lvl41 than your GAP is 9. Ehm, what is GAP? GAP is diference between your character lvl and your mastery level. These SP you can use to add skills to your character (press S in game).įarming is about GAP. You need 400 skill exp points to get one SP. During playing you see getting skill exp points while killing mobs. Without good knowledge of farming Sp you cant make strong char.Įvery character in silkroad gets skill points (SP) same as exp.


Since there isnt any sro update which really need to be tutorialized i choosed SP Farming tutorial. I was thinking which tutorial make as next for my site. SP Farming, ong taxi SP Farming, ong taxi

Silkroad skill calculator